
Five Tests To Detect If There Are Leaks In Your Home


A house whose residents strive to save water and, even so, generates a very high-water bill, how to explain? There are several reasons for a household to spend more water than it should, especially if the facilities are already ancient. But, one of the most common things that many do not notice is the presence of leaks in pipes and drains. Something that can be corrected as soon as the problem is identified.

  1. Hydrometer

The best known of all tests is to check the water clock (the water meter). Just leave the taps on the wall open, close all the taps and turn off all appliances that use water, including the toilets. Then write down the number that appears or mark the largest hand’s position on your water meter. After an hour, check if the number has changed or the hand has moved. If that happened, there is a leak in your home.

Unlike the first, in this test, it is necessary to close the record on the wall. Then, turn on a tap fed directly by the network (it could be the tank) and wait for the water to stop flowing. Immediately place a full glass of water in the tap. If there is the suction of water from the cup through the tap, it is a sign that there is a leak in the pipe fed directly by the network.

  1. Pipes Fed By The Water Tank

Another way to check for leaks in the pipes is to turn off all the faucets in the house, turn off the appliances that use water, and close the float tap on the box, preventing water from entering. Once this is done, check the box’s water level and check, after an hour, if it has dropped. If so, there is a leak in the plumbing or the toilets fed by the water tank.

  1. Underground Reservoirs For Buildings

Close the underground reservoir outlet valve and the float stopcock. Mark the water level in the reservoir and, after an hour, check if it has dropped. If this has occurred, there is a leak in the reservoir’s walls, the supply pipes of the upper reservoir, or the cleaning pipe, this can be repaired by plumbing like and others in both online and offline.

  1. Toilet

This is the simplest of all tests: throw coffee grounds into the toilet. It is usual for the sludge to be deposited at the bottom of the vessel. Otherwise, it is a sign of leakage in the valve or the discharge box. Note: In the basins whose outlet is towards the back (direction of the wall), the test should be carried out by running out of water. If the basin accumulates water again, there is a leak in the valve or the drain box.


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