
Fixed term Apartment for Rent: The Best You Can Have


A fixed-term rent is valid for the duration of the contract and cannot be terminated prematurely. However, instead of denunciation, the contract may be terminated if the conditions for termination exist. Good examples of demolition conditions are moving to a new place or health reasons. The landlord and the lessee can also negotiate a mutually agreeable solution if the contract is to be terminated prematurely.

The Recent Options

In recent years, there has been a widespread use of a rent for an indefinite period, but the first possible termination date is 11 months from the start of the rent. This allows the tenant to be committed to the apartment for at least one year.

  • A fixed-term contract may also indicate whether the rent can be terminated before the end of the fixed term, for example against a contractual penalty corresponding to a two-month rent. This allows the tenant to quickly get rid of the apartment without massive costs.

A rent for an indefinite period of time shall, from the date of conclusion of the agreement, continue in effect, as its name implies, until either party terminates the rent.Prent note that the tenancy notice period for an apartment rental is six calendar months if the tenancy is terminated for a continuous period of at least one year or three months otherwise. If the tenant terminates the contract, the period of notice is one calendar month. Simply check this website for more now.

Rent increases

The terms of the rent increase must always be recorded in the contract and must be in accordance with the law and good rental practice.Clearly state in the contract the grounds for raising the rent, how much and when e.g. 31 December each year. Reasons for the increase may be, for example, a percentage or index increase, a stair rent, or an increase in treatment costs.

A typical way is to tie the rent to the cost of living index. In this case, the contract records a one-month base index, which is used as a check index for the annual rent adjustment. You can find the index on Statistics website.

If the rent increase is based on a percentage increase, the contract states that the rent may be increased by up to x% per year. Whatever the reason for the rent increase, make it clear in the contract. If you increase your rent, notify the tenant of the new rent and its effective date one month before the new rent becomes effective.

If you wish to increase the rent on terms other than those specified in the contract, you must consult with the tenant. An increase in rent outside the terms of the contract may be necessary if the apartment is undergoing renovations, as this will raise the level and value of the apartment.

The right Apartment

In such a case, the so-called level increase can also be made outside the terms of the contract, provided that it is clearly below its value. If the increase is made in deviation from the terms of the contract, it is advisable to start the negotiation 6 months in advance to allow the tenant to prepare for the change.


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