When you decide to build a home on property you own or have just purchased, preparing the land before the build is the first step. No matter what type of house you have chosen, creating a friendly environment for the design is critical to a successful build. Here are three things to consider when preparing your property for a house build.
- Septic
Most rural property requires a private form of sewage removal. Homeowners often choose to include septic tanks in their home designs to solve the sewage problem for their new build. That means a section of property must be prepared with a drainage field, a secure container, and piping to the structure.
- Trees
When your property contains brush, trees, and rocks, your architect will call in a tree removal Lyme CT service. The more extreme the topography of your land, the more clearing will be required before building can begin. As a special side note, some trees are valuable, and removal companies sometimes pay you to allow them access to the wood. This can include cedar and black oak.
- Well
City water lines are not part of most rural property builds. That means you will need a well to supply your water requirements. Cost for the construct will depend on the type of well you choose, the size of your power source, and how deep the water table is. Make sure your well is connected with pipes that are rust-resistant, so you won’t have to replace them in a few years due to corrosion.
Living in the country is the dream of many people, and if you are one of them, knowing what is required to prepare your property before your new home can be built is essential. You may need to remove trees, install a septic system, and dig a well before your home’s foundation can be laid.