Home Improvement

Interior designer: what role does he play in your home renovation project?


If you are considering renovating the home decoration or giving it one more style change to suit you, nothing better than having an interior decorator. But why hire a landed property interior design in Singapore? Here we give you all the necessary information so that you know how it can help you.

Today we are always running from one place to another. Time is scarce and planning a decoration according to your tastes takes a lot of time and dedication and nothing better than having an extra help. An interior designer will adapt to you and your tastes. It will streamline you and give you ideas that would never have crossed your mind. Their knowledge of design and knowledge of the market can broaden your vision and go out of the box. Do not even doubt it. Seek help and hire an interior decorator. It will be the best decision.

What role does an interior decorator play?

An interior decorator could be defined as the specialized person, who works and helps the client in planning the interior space, their style preferences, needs and budget. A common mistake is to think that an interior decorator can only be hired by people with money, or that they only help you where to put things or what lamps to put. This falls within their work, but they do much more.

What does an interior decorator contribute?

Professional advice: Study the space, light and arrangement of furniture. They achieve a certain atmosphere by combining ideas between materials and decorative elements. Convenience with easier management, optimize costs, supervision and optimal result until the end of the project, are some of other features of an interior designer. Be careful, interior designer does not mean the same as decorator. These two professions tend to unite as one, when the truth has functions that make them very different.

Functions of an interior decorator

An interior designer is a qualified professional who works creating new spaces in their distribution in a technical and artistic way: modifying the whole image in a new space, solutions between a habitable environment combining functionality and aesthetics. It can be defined as the intermediate professional between decoration and architecture. Both professionals work on space projects to make the most of their possibilities and advantages. It can be said that both are linked despite the differences, since both move in the same design line.

In this article we have wanted to introduce you a little and give you an answer, but if you want to expand much more information, we leave you several topics that you can search on Google to get more idea on “INTERIOR DESIGNER”:

  • Functions of an interior decorator,
  • What does an interior designer do?
  • Hire an interior decorator or interior designer,
  • Differences between interior decorator and interior designer.

What do I need then?

If you are going to reform your house from scratch and plan the space again, we recommend hiring an interior designer. If you just want to recondition your home with a new decorative style more akin to you, hire a decorator.


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