Home Improvement

Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Renovating Your Home


With time, homeowners may feel they need a change around their homes. Maybe the space is no longer as functional as it used to be, they need extra space, or perhaps they just want to change the aesthetics. Whenever this happens, the go-to solution for most people is renovating a home rather than getting into new construction. It is more manageable and can be done in phases depending on your budget and timeline. But before you start on those home upgrades, here are some basic questions you should ask yourself.

Why Do You Want to Renovate The House?

The first thing you should ask yourself is your objectives for the renovation. Maybe another family member has joined you, and now you need a bigger space. So you are considering extending the house. Or, maybe you have started a business and want to have an office at home. Other people renovate because they want to sell. Once you have figured out the reason for renovating, all your decisions will be directed to achieving your objectives.

What is Your Budget?

Another important aspect to consider is how much money you are willing to spend on your renovation project. Renovations are not cheap, especially when you are upgrading the whole house. If maybe you are simply renovating the basement to transform it into an office, that will not cost you much. However, when it comes to the whole house, you will have to set aside a good amount of money or even take a loan. You can also lookup affordable home remodeling ideas that will not dent your wallet as much. Once you have established the amount you are ready to spend, come up with a plan to stay within that budget.

What is Your Timeline?

Your renovation timeline will depend on how big or small the project is. Remember that your timeline starts from the planning phase until the construction is done. For smaller projects like maybe renovating the basement only, the project may take two weeks at most. However, once you start including things like getting permits, demolitions, putting up new cabinets and fixtures, electrical wiring, plumbing, HVAC, flooring, door, and windows, a project may take about 3 to 6 months.

Do You Plan to DIY or Hire Contractors?

Another question to ask yourself is which projects you will DIY and where you will bring in the experts. Labor can be costly, and so many people often choose to DIY some tasks. It is also good to factor in your abilities. For simple tasks like painting, you can DIY. But when it comes to complex things like plumbing, HVAC, electrical wiring, building a deck or patio, or landscaping, call the pros. The last thing you want is to do a bad job that will eventually end up costing you more than you wanted.

What is Your ‘Wish’ List and ‘Must-Have’ List?

Before starting any renovation, it is good to write down a list of the must-haves and a wish list. You will have to prioritize the must-have list. If you have money left, you can start working on your wish list later. This should be done in your planning phase, where you create a checklist of all projects to be tackled. For instance, you cannot prioritize a wine cellar over an extra bathroom if your home only has one bathroom serving many people. Write down those things, then when you are done with them, you can start looking at the extras.

Most home renovations are successful due to proper planning. Therefore, before you start, ask yourself these questions to help you understand what needs to be done.


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